Codemasters to publish first real-time strategy game designed exclusively for PlayStation. Codemasters' blockbuster project in development at Red Lemon Studios has been confirmed as the first real-time strategy game designed exclusively for PlayStation. The game being created at Red Lemon's Glasgow, UK offices, carries a working title of World War II: Operation Overlord. Codemasters has previously achieved number one chart success by taking a genre, traditional to home computers, and treating it as a dedicated console development project. Before the company introduced LMA Manager, no football manager game had been created especially for PlayStation gaming or gamers. Doing what LMA Manager did for football management games, World War II: Operation Overlord will deliver a game setting new standards in real time strategy game control and ease of use. No longer will players have to make do with average conversions of home computer games. With the emphasis on accessibility, strategy and a genuine feeling of progression World War II: Operation Overlord is a real time war game where the player builds their character from mere battlefield control to the high command of the entire Allied forces. Alternatively, players can take command of the Axis force and turn history around. World War II: Operation Overlord delivers a dynamic map, covering the whole of Western Europe, which features over 70 historically-realistic strategic battlegrounds. The action starts on 6th of June 1944, the day of the Normandy Landings (D-day) and the commencement of Operation Overlord from which the game takes its title. Improving and advancing the real-time strategy genre, World War II: Operation Overlord offers both campaign planning and real-time battle play modes. Additionally, the engaging structure of its gameplay is free flowing, rather than being dictated by a series of linear missions. Players begin as a First Lieutenant with battlefield control over a small army of men and machines. Sound tactical leaders can work their way up through the ranks and, with skill, eventually take total strategic control of the entire Allied command as Field Marshall with the ultimate goal of the capture of Berlin. Comments Mike Hayes, Codemasters Sales and Marketing Director: "It's a massive gaming category, but not once has any developer or publisher thought it worth creating a real-time strategy game that uses a designed-for-PlayStation interface. This game will be a key game and a key brand in Codemasters' future portfolio." Says Alan McDairmant, Producer for World War II: Operation Overlord at Red Lemon Studios: "The team at Red Lemon is very proud to be working with Codemasters and developing this game. We believe it will redefine strategy games on consoles and mark the beginning of a powerful new brand." With historically accurate weapons, equipment and maps in enough detail to satisfy the most pedantic wargamer, World War II: Operation Overlord is scheduled for a winter release.